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There was an extension (see last thread).
Build and customize a mobile suit from the Zaku family in any way you can imagine! Any suit that has the word "Zaku" in its name is fair game, meaning you can use any of the following:
>Standard UC Zakus such as the Zaku I or Zaku II
>Variants such as the Act Zaku, Desert Zaku, Zaku Tank, etc
>ZAKU Warriors and their variants from the Cosmic Era
>SD Zakus
This means you cannot use the following for the main part of your build
>Other Zeon/ZAFT mobile suits (ie: Goufs, Gelgoogs, GINNs)
>Zaku expies from the Universal Century (HiZack, Geara Doga, Den'an Zon, etc)
>Zaku equivalents from other Gundam timelines (Leos, Grazes, Borjanons, etc)
You can still source parts from other kits for your builds, but the basis of your entry has to be at least 50% Zaku (ie: Swapping out the bottom half of a Zaku II with a Dom to make a Zaku II High Mobility Test Type would be acceptable, but throwing a Zaku head onto a Dom won't cut it). The 50% limitation refers only to the body itself, you're free to do what you wish with your suit's equipment.
Send all photos (Both WIPs and Finished photos, with multiple angles/poses) and a short description of your build to gunplaplamo@gmail.com once you're finished. Additionally, please state whether your home board is /m/ or /toy/ when you're submitting your entry. This information will remain private and won't be referenced with submissions, I just want to know which /gpg/ each entry represents.
START: 7/16/21
END: 10/22/21