Man, it really is kinda sad seeing what's happened to the Bionicle community as a whole, but I guess that's almost to be expected when a nostalgia bait series gets abruptly killed off for little reason after the franchise had already been dead for a while beforehand though.
>>7202588>I just hope it was enough for Lego to learn from their mistakes. I hope their conclusion isn't that Bionicle in particular and Constraction in general are unmarketable rubbish, but that they realize all the ways they had fucked up G2 and put that lesson to use for potential future themes, action figure themes or otherwise.Idk, maybe I've been ruined by Bandai and their supreme jew powers but I doubt it. Lego seems to have taken the view that licenses matter more than in-house themes, and so they just shit out licensed sets (although, that does mean that from what I've seen the in-house themes have gotten more budget to play with, if a more tenuous position). I really do hope they do something for Bionicle's 20th anniversary though, be it something cool like detailed figure/model kits of the Toa Mata (unlikely, but I can dream), or even something as simple as a rerelease of the Mctoran.
Fuck all the reminiscing here and irl a few days ago with some friends is making me want to reread all the books again. Feel like I should now that I finally have all the Toa Mata to play with while I'm reading :^)