>>9407585Tiger Force Outback is a very sought after vintage figure because he was a European exclusive repaint done for the repaint line Hasbro produced called Tiger Force. Under the "Tiger Force" branding, Hasbro would re-release a number of in demand retired Joe figures as stylish repaints with tiger striped uniforms.
They also gave them a repaint line of Cobras to fight which were made up of retired and desirable Cobra figures in order to give kids a second chance to get those figures. These included characters such as the Cobra Trooper, the Cobra Viper, and the Crimson Guard, who all were featured in the cartoons, but were retired figures. These repaints were called "Python Patrol," and much like Tiger Force had a unique in story repaint deco.
But getting back to Outback, as part of his "Tiger Force" outfit, instead of just having tiger stripes, they replaced the words on his t-shirt with a tiger's face, and he was the only Joe to have that out of all the Tiger Force figures. As a result, Outback because a popular rare repaint like Pimp Daddy Destro.
Pic related is the assortment of European exclusive Tiger Force figures, which featured Outback. In recent years the in story explanation for his look was that he had been bitten by zombies while working for Eco Force and had to be given an experimental antidote for the Compound Z Cobra produced, which created their Toxo Zombies and Zombie Vipers. The antidote changed Outback's hair color from red to white, and he then joined the Tiger Force team. So this guy also battles zombies.