>>6772720>>6772670>>6772679I really like how before it was people are lying and trolling by criticising the troll for being so poorly done and now you guys are asked to provide proof contrary to the pictured evidence, you guys can only revert to middle school name calling?
I also like how the other anons who have provided pictures of their own figures pretty much say the same shit as me.
Very disappointing figures.
And i find it really funny that i was actually one of the few people on /toy/ that was pushing for other people to buy into them way back when they were first put up 7 years ago, because 4H takes too damn long to do anything.
>>>6772758 A lot of 4H fans are refugees from the Mattel subscription model for MOTUC figures. They're used to overpaying their figures, paying yearly subscription fees and getting delivered a subpar figure with 1998 articulation.Pretty much my take on this.
4H takes too much after Mattel's engineering and it's worse with 4H, because they actually have the ability to do whatever they want, but it's like the only world they know is Mattel's.
And the people who defend it are too eager to gulp it down, because that's all they're used to.