>>8593495Aw, hope you can find your old buddies if you still have them.
>thinks he is as important as optimus cause he turns into a truckThat's cute.
>doesn't fit together that well? Doesn't tab in, you mean? Used to have that issue with Growl, but suddenly ?? he tabbed fine? Give him some time and love, maybe he'll have a character arc, or at least an episode.
>highjump is a chill dude who fits together That's swell, I hope they get along. Most my micro cars are big shoulders or can't stand, the trucks looked at least p posable and imposing. Amz or tru CA had them for twice the price of micros, so I really can't though.
>>8593561Wh-what's happening here, the sneaky Autobots are ambushing the Decepticreep micros.. who are under a very close Sky Lynx! Also what Grimlock is that? Looks cool... but I think an anon got it and said it wasn't fun to play with? Grimlock was the only think that made me look into cyberverse, at least just his episode.
>>8593635>literally only siege voyagers and leaders on sale>Springer sold out in a billisecond>cybertron.ca mentioned technically they don't do price adjusts for black friday sales, i.e. if you were unlucky you would've just bought him at full price>had everything else except TC and SW, everything sold out anywayConsume product they said, big corps will monopoly during pandemic they said, black friday good they said.
Disgruntling year