>>9850568>Seriously, doing shit by year is great. Remembering what you were doing that year/month, what you were listening to, the memes that were happening, the places you went to, etc etc etc, is almost as good as having a fucking journal.>If you have a journal too, even better.Then why are you not including ISO time stamps at the beginning of your files then ?
Pro tip 4chan uses unix time stamps who are the amount of seconds since 1970 (the start of time and our lord unix)
> it doesn't let me save it, because that title already existed.This is a defect
>hollywood producer cat.webm See
Name it
>1655466683354 Groping cat .webmLazy way of doing it.
Beware the unix rollover
or ISO
>2022-06-17 1655466683354.webmOr
>2022-06-17 Groping cat .webmBenefit is that you will have no problems until the year 9999 (call the long now foundation)
>It helps being specific, because how can you find anything or remember what images/movies/etc you have?They are in the correct folder and moving them to the folders is enough work for me.
Cats go into
And all picture files are flat there with the exception of GIF and webm who do like this
So we get
Animals/cats/4chan/webm/1655466683354 Groping cat .webm
Or simply
>It helps being specific, because how can you find anything or remember what images/movies/etc you have?If it comes to 4chan. I found out that I often forget what pictures of cats I have I simply brows the cat folder and see them organized by time since unix time stamps are time. And I brows the pictures up.
GIFs are unique since they often have something in the animation so it is the GIF folder.
And for webms you can throw them all into a video player and watch.
>find anything or remember what images/movies/etc you have?1/2