I keep fantasizing about a He-Man video game. It could be based on the mini comics and a mix of the 80's comics, where you play as He-Man and can play as other characters. There'd be moments where you'd play as Skeletor similar to in Ultimate Spider-Man you'd play as Venom sometimes. It could be a adventure action beat-em-up with RPG elements like leveling up, etc. You'd explore the different parts of Eternia, fighting bad guys, doing side quests, etc. Castle Greyskull is the HUB, but eventually would visit Snake Mountain and other landmarks. It'd be mostly focused on fending off the Evil Warriors and Evil Horde, but there'd be some Snake Men and some secret super bosses like Megator and Shadow Wing. The dungeon in Castle Greyskull would be a gauntlet challenge like Paper Mario TTYD Pit of 100 Trials.
>>9330725I'm waiting too. He will be lots of fun.