>>7123700>>7124243>"Hero's journey" is an archetypal structure-that is, an essential part of what defines human existence. That's exactly why it sounds so believable.No you imbeciles, it has absolutely fuck-all to do with human existence. The only reason Bionicle was ever successful enough to even merit this reboot was because in the beginning the people at Templar knew better, and gave us actual characters with plausible day-to-day lives, instead of the barebones "Pokemon with masks" story structure the original team planned.
Purely in terms of "plot content", the Ta-Koro section of the MNOG simply presents the basic layout of the 2001 (and 2015) story as given by any promotional blurb. The encounter between the Toa (the alleged "hero" with the "journey") and the villagers sees them attack each other on sight, the Captain of the Guard makes it clear that as far as he's concerned the arrival of the Toa is just another variable in the campaign against the Makuta he's been fighting for the past zillion years, and we even get to see how constantly living with the Makuta has affected the islanders' sense of aesthetics. What we have here is less focus on the "hero", and more focus on making the world itself interesting-come to think of it, that's exactly what made Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and The Matrix so popular too.
Even if Bioncle does come back someday with "deeper" lore like G1's, I doubt we'll get something with the quality of the best of G1, because this "Star Wars was great because Luke was the blandest archetype of 'em all" bullshit is so widespread that even if the story didn't exist to sell toys the people in charge wouldn't be able to figure out what made it work.