>>8764082I liked Hot Rod but that was about it. Not sure if you're referring to or combining "kid appeal/surrogate/audience-fave-hopefully" chars with "I'm 2 cool 4 skool" chars. I think Bee would be in the same list as Cheetor and Hot Shot, but not necessarily share one with Smokescreen or Hot Rod. Bee's fantastic though, at least in G1. You could argue that Jazz or Blaster was meant to be the "cool" char in early G1, and indeed they were quite cool imo. I don't know enough about the Supersonic Hedgehog Brothers or Horsing Around though.
What drives me up the wall though are incompetent and universally bullied antagonists. They're either annoying in-universe and from a writing/audience standpoint, or I just feel really bad for them. Just stop giving me archetypes, unless you're Joseph Campbell, and I'm pretty sure Hasbro doesn't have him, because he is deceased!!
>>8764075>tfw appreciate ankles and waists and wrists, but never use them, and feel bad if they're missing>>8764094If a legends/core class figure had wrist/wast articulation, and was someone who'd be appropriate for the class, they'd be pretty much perfect to me.