>>6431818>Subjective. It doesn't have to be gewun to look good.But that's the thing. The 3P ones don't even look good. GT's is a greebled mess and TW's doesn't look imposing in combined mode. It just looks like a dude who happens to be oversized instead of a hulking mass. The UW one objectively looks more accurate.
>Except for the fucking 8 step transformationsThere's no point of complicating transformations for the sake of complicating them. They're as simple as they need to be.
>garbage articulationonly the hasbro one has garbage articulation.
>gappy arm jointsagain, this only applies to hasbro. Takara's has an extra elbow joint to make it look less shitty.
>and non existent paint finishthey have as much paint as they need. Are you one of those faggots who like the overcolored TFC trash?
>Gravity builder is stable and more articulated than devastator. Constructor is stable and more articulated than devastatorConnecting at multiple points will always be more stable than connecting at one point.