>>8422208>The BJD community wasn't attacking her, bullying her.It wasn't even any of her usual followers or casual fans that spammed her comments section with hate. Her video was most likely spammed and spread on BJD websites so the hive could attack her video. Most likely the owner of one of the BJD doll companies using a script got an auto notification that someone on using Google had used the name of one of their dolls in a video, and spread it around to as many BJD communities as possible to teach her a lesson, and to make an example out of her so future Youtube creators "DO THEIR RESEARCH" before daring to make a video about a recasts. What's scary is that the link to her video and the hate comments started flooding in within an hour of her posting it.
The BJD community are not the type of people who follow her content as shes a toy playline reviewer, and doesn't review expensive collector dolls.
It would have taken days if not weeks for her to start getting a few negative or angry comments. This was a well planed out and orchestrated attack. Doll owners, and even Youtubers use scripts to find out when someone on the internet uses their name or the name of one of their products so they can take videos down for "slander" or "copyright" reasons. There is no other explanation or way her video would have gotten hundreds of hate comments within minutes of her posting it. Everyone knows that the BJD community is toxic, and elitist, but the speed that they moved in on her video was staggering.