>>6644953>It always makes me laugh seeing people pose Jyn's baton like it's a bazooka.So it IS a Baton?
I was wondering if it was or not, but all the official images have it held that way and it's not a very swing-able minifig melee weapon on top of that.
>>6644962>Their problem is that they're releasing too many fucking sets too fucking fast.>>6644964>I agree, each theme receives way more sets now for each wave. They need to slow down a bit.>>6644971Yeah, especially with "perennial" themes like City, the occasional specialized sub-theme is nice but does the market really need a new Police/Fire Station on top of a full sub-theme product line for every seasonal release?
I mean, we don't need a whole new Firefighter or Police release every year on top of whatever else City is flavored with; Give the civic service sub-themes a bit longer shelf life, since it's not like they're going to go out of style or anything!
>>6644979>they releasing so many bigass expensive sets>>6645018>>6645027They've actually gotten a bit better with this, with a larger selection in the $20-$40 USD range as well as the return to sub-$10 USD "Impulse buy" sets.
I love the fact that City now has both a battle-pack equivalent with the Starter Sets AND a sampler pocket sets.