>>7108057>isn't it a bit hard to get out two level 10 synchros on the field at once for their protection effects, when they each need 3 materials?Somewhat, but it's actually pretty doable thanks to the Bahrag's revival effects, the speed at which Bohrok fill the field once they get going, and the Va Kaita being Instant Fusion-able tuners. Most of the time you still need to get lucky with a Tahnok Va to get them both in one turn, but since the multiple Bohrok used as material can also get rid of the opponent's stuff with their effects, the end result is usually two nigh-unremovable beaters vs a barren field. I feel it's fair to require a bit of luck for that.
Also note that each of the Bahrag still gets its respective half of the protection effects if its counterpart is in the Pendulum Zone, so you don't necessarily have to summon both in the same turn to reap benefits. But I'm aware that's not worth very much in Gotta Go Fast: The Game.
>Also, do you have any plans to implement the Kal? I think they would work pretty well as Xyz monsters, and maybe they could use Krana as material.Good mind reading there, anon. Xyz Kal are planned, and while I doubt using Krana as material would work without some funky graveyard-based summoning condition since they're barely on the field, you just gave me the idea of doing Krana-Kal that way. Now if only Extra Deck space weren't so tight.
Anyway, thanks a lot for your input. Having more opinions really helps in figuring out which of my ideas actually make sense.