>>7933622>None of those companies made or make good figures. confirmed for retarded trol
>>7933749I'm an 1:18 scalefag and i don't even see why that guy is excited either, but any company at this point has a greater chance of making something better, because Mattel held onto the license for nearly 20 years and released the cheapest shit possible.
Never did they once update the articulation to compete with anything out in the market.
>>7933643DCC stopped using Lexan plastic a year before their Icons figures were released. You're thinking of the Animated figures that had problems and i never had a problem with them snapping, which makes me believe only newfags were ham handing that shit, even with much smaller figures. Their 1:18 stuff also used Lexan and their joints are even tinier, and i never heard any complaints about those figures. Same shit with the Lil' Gotham figures.
>>7934442So you only like DCUC because they made obscure shit? Nah, fuck them. For me, it made it worse, because we finally get figures we want but they looked stupid, because it was basically just Superman cosplaying as them.
I'd sooner buy a McStatue from DCC than fund Mattel's garbage, which i didn't. At least DCD sculpted them to actually look like the character, instead of a lackluster retool.
In fact, giving Mattel your money is why we had nearly 2 decades of cheaposhit, because you supported their lazy cheapass business plan.