>>9588598nice megabuilding. does it have a purpose or just to be a tall building?
>>9588580I seem to have another picture of the same build(or a different iteration of it) in my /lg/ folder. The reason why mixing is so based and soulful in my opinion is because it completely rejects the licensetrash ideology of modern lego and its consumers. Most lehos today have to be separated into some kind of theme and especially when these themes are licensed, they are seen as incompatible with each other. People will buy whatever fits they favorite movie or tv show and then put all the sets from that into their respective display case so they can show people how nerdy and quirky they are with their "hobby" which is just brainless onions consoomerism in disguise. Even with things like city and creator, they just buy the town sets and then put them together in some kind of layout instead of using them with the rest of their collection to CREATE something. This isnt all their fault since licensed sets in particular have all gotten their own color palette and even non licensed themes have to have some kind of pallete to look distinct. This discourages moccing and inhibits creativity because people dont want to combine parts that are going to clash colors when they all the builds that they have been exposed to are very uniform and ordered in their coloring. Even when they do make mocs, the builds themselves are constrained to some kind of theme, often licensed, which means that they all end up looking the same or like some variation of each other. Back in the good old days of system, everything was compatible and you could use all your sets and parts to make great builds like this. Nowadays, anyone who mixes different themes in their builds is seen as childish and wont be taken seriously.