>>9406467He was the hot figure in that set, because even though he was a repaint he was a new character, and he was based on a dead Joe fan who used to report on news and history of the toyline named Gary Goggles.
>>9406486Same boat. I was kinda almost offended by the Haslab, because I feel it's clueless as to the wants of the Joe communty, sort of like maybe it's the same people who worked on the Retro line popping out the Skystriker. You know what I mean, some of those lazy figures that really missed the mark, like the Retro Duke that was just a repaint of the 25th version? The team who did 50th was better at mostly figuring out what lazy repaints worked.
I just have no interest in a Skystriker that only works with O-ring, particularly when I can already buy one whenever I want on ebay right now. I also bought a bunch of the 50th line, and have several of the Silent Strike and Desert Duel sets. It immediately kills my interest if you're forcing an O-ring only vehicle on me, and this is from a guy who owns O-ring and several vintage vehicles. It's just dumb to saddle the line like that, and seats to fit your modern era figures aren't even offered in the backer goals, instead it's just more O-ring figures, and not even good ones.