I'm back. Normally, I try to avoid mass-replies, but looks like a lot of questions popped up while I was gone, so...
First, Jetfire with Cogman and my Hun-Gurrr's Enigma of Combination sitting in his backpack's seats, as requested.
>>9554617>will you display him as SG jetfire or Decepticon Jetfire?Right now, I don't have enough room in my normal display for him, so he's hanging out with my SG bots and Draculus. Not sure if I'll move him later.
>>9554642>that's God Ginrai, a retool of the Titans Return Powermaster Optimus.Thank you - he looks nice! Actually, they all do. I'm not too up to speed on the Japanese stuff yet, but I'll certainly give it a closer look - I liked Ultra Magnus' armor combining gimmick, so seeing there's other bots that do something similar seems like fun.