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No.10788701 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Psalm 44 from the sons of Korah is an example of what Job went through. Job was elevated, respected, and successful. God was giving Job all kinds of victory and abundance. And then, all suddenly collapsed in his life. But God is always faithful and rewards us with double for what we previously lost.

God tests us, seeing what we love more: the victories and possessions? Or Him? This example was given to us in 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 1:8
>Her husband Elkanah would ask her, “Hannah, why are you crying? Why won't you eat? Why are you always so sad? Don't I mean more to you than ten sons?”

Hanna truly desired numerous children. Most of us truly desire copious amounts of money, success, pleasure, etc. Who or what do you seek after more? The gift giver (God/Jesus)? Or the gifts?

Remember.... seeking after possessions is greed. And greed is a sign of idolatry according to Colossians 3:5. It's covetousness..... hoarding a bunch of stuff, and for what? To leave behind for people who didn't even need to work for it aka whatever you leave behind in your will for your family members? So you wasted your life hoarding items that you can't even bring with you in the afterlife. Interesting. What's more important? God? Or the junk and silly little collectibles that you strive so hard for? Or even working yourself into depression for not acquiring yet in your life.... like Hanna was doing.