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No.10821154 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
As a child I never really liked toys. To utter disappointment of my parents, I definitely preferred vidya. Looking back, it was actually quite fortunate, because the state of gaming back then in my poor country was "here's the game but it's compressed with a program you don't have and the crack doesn't work and image keeps glitching because some configuration value is wrong and your native language isn't supported, have fun".

But I digress.

The point is, I don't know how to play with toys.

Recently I started buying Lego sets because some of them look cool as fuck and following the instruction to build them is quite fun.

But then I put them on my shelf and they just stay there. And I look at them and I think "damn, I wish I knew how to play with them". I feel like there's some imagination missing in me. I know that's a common feeling among adults and these sets are specifically designed to be put on display, but still...

Any thoughts?