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No.10856526 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>start collecting a scale
>vow to stick to just my favourite characters
>it gets out of hand
>start planning specific set ups, themes and "families"
>realise I'm literally playing house with Barbies and Kens, but these Barbies and Kens have super-kewl codenames
How do you deal with it? It's one thing buying multiple Batmen and Iron Men, but the moment you're buying the FF, the Fantasti-Car, the Fantasti-Kids, the Fantasti-Nanny, the entire "Bat-Family": CyberPunk Edition and whatever else, you've clearly lose the plot. I want a couple of Emma Frosts for my X-Displays, and it legitimately feels as if I'm buying Barbies.

Is the key to just stop trying to create "themes" and just collect the characters (you) specifically care about, despite Indiana Jones looking weird sitting next to Jude Dredd and Spider-Man?