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These toys are my grail. Whats yours?

No.10882802 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
when i was a kid, i had A LOT of these. they were various colors. this was around 2004. they were sold with some candy or chewing gum - i dont remember. now heres the thing, im from a very small city in latvia, and id buy them for cents in my local grocery store, but these toys? they are from argentina and they are a ripoff of "monsters in my pocket" - i found out about this only in 2022 when i desperately tried to find them - and some random anon on a russian board linked me to a blog that had them. i wish i never threw them away, because as time passes nostalgia worsens. you almost cant find these things on the internet, yet when i was a kid, every kid in my neighbourhood had them. i alone had about 50 of them. fuck parents for ever pressuring children into "growing up" and getting rid of toys

some of them were translucent and others were made out of a softer,stretchier rubber and it was annoying because sand and dirt would stick to the toys.
my favorite one was the hunched caveman-werewolf dude and the skeleton with the shield. hot damn these designs are epic. about 5 figures from this "collection" i never had and some of them (like the ogre with raised arms and spiked belt) you would get em so often that it would be annoying even.

there was such a cool sense of mystery and wonder about how many unique monsters there are? i hope i get the new one next! *opens* damn it again this one i already got 5 of em!

whats your story?