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Need help finding plush artists for multiple large and adult nsfw plushies

No.10951225 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is what i want:

All of them 7 or 9 feet tall, if not possible i guess i can deal with ones that are 3 feet tall.

Not the regular face. but the sexy half lidded closed one.

A really big butt a person can squeeze or use as a pillow that has those squishy beads or mouse pad butt cheeks in it.

An anus hole and pussy hole that can fit a hand, or at least several fingers.

A voicebox that is atleast like build a bear but i want one that is likecharacter.aiplus voice ai and can talk if someone touches something on it.

Bd dragon penises At least 8 inches in length. Big Balls Maybe 8 inches tall to? 8 inch breasts in all colors to take on and off.

Matching scents to each character. Zippers for scent bags and sleeping bag vore.

Possibly titties and bottle nipples but only if you can take them on and off somehow And turn them back and forth between a female and a male. And it wont fall off if a person starts sucking on them. Even if they cant get boobies i still want the nipples. It will be fun to use different flavors of milk and juice in the nipples if possible.

A mouth that can open and close like a puppet does. Maybe the ass and mouth are connected inside to control the mouth or feeding it like a baby alive doll. Color coordinated diapers with symbols on them for each critter.

Feel free to talk about smiling critters or poppy playtime here, or maybe even any ideas about the plushies. Pls post if u know anyone who can maybe make it or if you can. Hopefully my family can afford it, or i can get more money on christmas for it, would be a dream come true. I really need some help with it.