>>5375607Worse is when they pile shit on there babies in cribs/strollers.
I work at Lowe's Home Improvement and we have people bring in their babies in carrying cribs/strollers with blankets, go over to power tools, lift the blanket and put power tools/saw blades/etc on them, throw the blanket back on them and try and leave like that. I'm guessing they think we wont ask to search the kid or think that we need the item on them to consider it stealing(we don't, if we have you on tape hiding the item and leaving the store you're fuck, police on site will be called, you will be apprehended)
One of them actually hurt there kid tossing that shit on them(fractured a 4 month old's ribs) and hand no remorse about it and kept yelling at his baby for blowing his cover.
and again this is all in the name of flipping power tools.
It really reminds you what kind of scummy people are out there.