>>6907367>>6901616Yeah, no.
Almost everyone who complains that i know were already adults when the prequels came out and considered them heavily flawed, before the Red Letter Media bandwagonning hate happened.
So there's no strong pull of nostalgia for people my age who hate the new Star Wars films.
Also, to point out kids like that shit doesn't mean shit, considering every generation of little kids will like literal shit because they don't know any better.
Nah, the new movies are just terrible that has made old fans turn their back on the Star Wars films.
I'd give anything Star Wars a blind watch, trying to avoid all media and previews before watching it. After TLJ, which is genuinely an objectively a bad movie, I'm treating the series like anything else: only watch it if it looks interesting. I'm skipping the new Han movie because of that, because it looks bad from all the previews and media.
I'm a NO FUN ALLOWED guy because i hate wasting my time with awful movies like stupid actiony shit for the sake of stupid actiony shit. I read a lot of books.
so you could say I'm no longer a Star Wars fan. I'll maintain my collection, buying new stuff for only stuff i care about from the old movies/books/games/etc, but everything new? Are there even fucking new video games based on the new shit? Besides Battlefront? Fuck.
Has Star Wars really dropped that low that they no longer produce 230498 video games based on teh current shit? Fucking A Phantom Menace may have been a meh movie, but it had fun games like the Pod RAcing game for the N64. Then there were all the Jedi Star Fighter, which were pretty good and then the great Commando game.
Disney is complete shit if they can't get that type of cross media excitement with their new movies.
Something has definitely gone wrong and it isn't nostalgiafags not liking new shit.