>>8920723Gonna sleap for real.. soon..
>he did what any good honorable samurai does: find a more worthy master to serveUh.. but an honourable samurai remains masterless, after their old one dies.. have you never read Usagi Yojimbo? I think the kind anon was storytiming it again on /co/. Anyway, I think a few times he challenged Primal and/or pretended to go back to the Preds, or maybe actually did briefly. Memory's a bit hazy, but I recall knowing he was a bit fickle...
>>8920738A few years back one person found it intolerable to have an OP with links or anything like that, not sure why. Not sure if there was a pastebin, but that could be handy. "What is CHUG", or a few other FAQs.
mega nz /folder/Ax4nUCCT#_5vN--HYA1R6ahJUNcx-wQ
I can also link the megas (old and not updated for a few years but has older stuff) from /co/, and my small mega with bios compiled a bit neatly, and some grouped separately if they're obscure like micros and pretenders.
mega nz /folder/109wjIbL#AjQrRxYcKxQvHo0KIkb-2A
>>8920749It's been really comfy, even once it was past image limit, I'm with you anon. I suppose in all the excitement/speculation/discussion from today, things snowballed and we got caught up in conversation. I wish more threads were like this too. Sweet dreams, anons.