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Mods are using your pass to increase ban duration from your ban history

No.114564 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I recently got a 1 week ban for a small shitpost, but it was over something so minor and that would otherwise have gotten just a 1-day ban or AT MOST 3-days. By the way if you check the recent bans everyone only gets 3-days, you need to fuck up immensely to get 1 week.

So I appealed the ban and my appeal was denied, but the ban's justification was changed to this: "46 bans extends your current ban". Those were all for posting off-topic on /v/ which I would do like once a month.

Basically they seem to be keeping track of all my bans from ever since I purchased a pass (which was 4 years ago), and are using this to extend ban durations. How is this fair? We are being punished for paying for a pass. Even more than this, mods are making passes not viable for users with a lot of bans. A renewal is due next month and am planning to not renew it unless staff can clarify that they won't use a user's history of minor bans to make ludicrous bans in the future (what's next? 1 month for making an off-topic reply? permanent?)

This naturally wouldn't be possible without a pass, because most people's IP changes weekly.

Pic related is the ban justification. What are your thoughts?