>>38571969I think that battle was actually the most fun I've ever had in this game period, and that's probably because of the fact that the fight started to less resemble a RPG and turned into what could basically be described as the plot to an anime episode.
I mean hear me out, its a duel between two starter pokemon, and not only that, they're BOTH grass starters, both favor bulky offense with the ability to be self-sustaining, both have unique immunities or advantages that are given to them by their abilities that let them circumvent some of their type's weaknesses (Thick Fat for Mega-Venusaur, Bulletproof for Chesnaught), both debuted in the same region and the same game (not to mention, my favorite game and the one that rekindled my passion for this series), and they’re both total opposites design wise: Chesnaught is a knight who favors physical attacks while Venusaur is a giant behemoth who favors special attacks. Both are also slow, bulky and hard to kill.
I found it even cooler too that since Chesnaught had Bulletproof, he removed the main advantage I would have normally held over him, since Sludge Bomb would easily slaughter him if he wasn’t immune to it. So the “Knight” in this situation found a way to block the attack of the mighty beast.
On the other hand though, me being poison also negated the main advantage HE had, which was his maxed out attack, and doing half damage is the only reason I managed to beat him at all. It actually got pretty tricky at points as he started using Belly Drum to save the PP on Drain Punch when he thought I was going to use Synthesis, and he’d set up a Sub on my attacks to force me to break it down while he whittled away my health. If it wasn’t for the fact that my Venusaur was specifically trained to take out bulky physical attacks and had a huge investment in it’s defense, I would have lost.
I used to hate Chesnaught a lot for it's design but thanks to that guy I have to admit, I'm startin to love it now.