>>46038152>HivemindPsychic Type Special Move. This move's power is based around the amount of Pokemon in your party sharing any Types with the user. 30 being the minimum Power and each pairing Type adding 20 Power. Matching Type combinations don't count twice. 130 max. Base Power with every Pokemon in your team sharing a Type. Pretty limited and given mainly to Bug Type.
>Super HivemindBug Type Special Move. This move's power is based around the amount of Pokemon in your party sharing any Types with the user. 35 being the minimum Power and each pairing Type adding 15 Power. Matching Type combinations count twice. 185 max. Base Power with every Pokemon in your team having the same exact Type Combination. Only given to few shitty Bug/Flying types.
Basically, a thematic monotype team buff, which could be fun for both playthrough challenges and in some formats.