>>51825083Emphasis "First time Encountering a Zoroark", of course I wouldn't know what to do against something I've never experienced before.
I now curse you with Zororark spam in all your matches and you'll lose every one of them for being so rude..
>>51825178Clefable is pretty easy to outplay even without Full Heal, honestly, she's extremely slow/squishy/no damage.
She needs real buffs that actually helps her problems, she's practically suffering the same issues that released Wigglytuff had. Why even give a melee support who has no range attacks Eldegoss stats with low damage to boot, why the boosted attack doesn't have CC like Wigglytuff's and Mr. Mime's(This guy isn't really Melee, he's more like Mid-Range like Blissey)?
I was hoping she'll be more like a Tank/Healer like Taric from LoL(Who is another Cosmic Powered Fairy), all she needs is higher defenses than Blissey's but lower than Wigglytuff's, CC added to her boost attack, and more damage to Draining Kiss(her only damage skill that also doesn't heal her when she has allies around nor has any CC like Disarming Voice which it replaced which Disarming Voice does more Damage btw) but not as much as the PTS one so she can have an actual Damage Skill so she can have the option to play Off-Support when she needs to like the other Supports can do because currently she can't defend herself at all like they can.
I think all Pokemon should be able to be played SoloQ, hindering stats and moves just force them into Squads is dumb, and they only do this to Supports for some reason.
>>51823077>>51823111No, I want to just play Clefable...