>>39811578you like helping others and enjoy driving
>>39811756you prefer cuteness to usefulness and played melee
>>39811867you love birds and are pretty young
>>39812260you love your plants. probably in botany
>>39812345didnt grow up all that much from when you were 8. you also think croissant are really good
>>39812407you really like pancakes
>>39812463furry who tried to be a magician when he was younger (i like your taste in art btw)
>>39808757stall fag or furry or both (forgot to put yours in part 3)
>>39812575you get really mad when youre mad
>>39812899very edgy weeb. willing to bet you have a katana or would like have one if youre a neet
>>39812960dont really care for art and would probably peruse a career as an electrician
>>39813157believes in chivalry
>>39813278pretty timid, but you dont mind being yourself when you know someone
>>39813310into vore, but also enjoys the finer things
>>39813383craaaaaaawllllllllllllll and/or meta slave. you like to see things as cute though
>>39813434doesnt mind being an underling in shady business. probably also a hat guy
>>39813481meta slave. you like pretzels
>>39814153you like pointy things, but you also prefer to keep things simple
>>39814457you spend a majority of your time on 4chan
>>39814469youre a fan of architecture
>>39814567youre a fan of ballistics
>>39814657your fascinated by color. either a hipster or likes to stall
>>39814669a degenerate who is probably into goro
>>39815061you take criticism and insult fairly well
>>39815215youre pretty basic, like fuzzy things, and probably a bit chubby
>>39815239you think the rain is really comfy. probably like swimming as well
>>39815500you would fly on a rigid airship if given the chance
>>39816368youre secretly a supervillain
>>39816480you dont really like doing anything in your free time
>>39816487when you disagree with someone, you think they are the most retarded thing to exist
>>39816617 said
>>39816639you like elegance