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>inb4 we'll never get them
So what, I just want to know what you guys would want out of them.
What would you add to Sinnoh if you could add anything?
I want a mega of pic related because I'm a fucking fag. My grandmother used to listen to me talk about Pokemon when DP came out (aspie here, have some leniency with that), and I remember getting really upset because I couldn't figure out how to get the sun form. In my mind, it had to evolve during the sunlight (no internet at the time, just the dp book.) She passed away recently, which is why I'm thinking about it.
If we got Sinnoh remakes, I'd want a mega for this dude, as well as a new ability for it and Castform. The ability is called Greenhouse; whenever the Pokemon enters the battlefield or mega evolves, there's a chance the weather changes to sandstorm, hail, sunny, or rain. Castform would obviously be worse off in the Sandstorm, but Mega-Cherrim would get a form for all four weather types. Grass/Steel, Grass/Ice, Geass/Fire, and Grass/Water.
I know it doesn't make Cherrim any more usable, but I'd like to see Megas come back and be given to some Pokemon that could have a gimmick to them, rather than just already strong Pokemon.