BW is unironically my favorite set of pokemon games. Not even BW2 - just regular BW.
I adored
>The region and towns>The cast>The plot >The music>The lack of old pokemon/the necessity of using new pokemonAnd so much more. Even the look of the games and the sprites, as the last true new set of DS games, really was great.
I don't hate the newer gens like the rest of /vp/ - I liked gen 6, even though it felt unfinished, and I enjoyed gen 7, even with its problems. I'm very excited for gen 8. But gen 5 has a special place in my heart, and I've been playing since gen 2.
With all that said, gen 5 felt like GF really trying a bunch of new things. But it just didn't sell as well as they hoped, maybe, and so they've retreated back into comfort and haven't really tried nearly as hard since.
>>37870054 put it well.