>>53985561region is a bland corridor
the wild area is an empty field
raids are slow unplayable garbage
region has no culture outside of worshipping CHARIZARD
hard-working secretaries like Oleana are vilified for doing their job
Rose, is the stupidest person in the Pokémon world
the scientists have no idea how paleontology works
the populace has such a poor understanding of their own history that a pair of literal whos can trick them into thinking they are heros and not the dogs that risked their lives to save Galar
no one will help Leon with his directional dyslexia
Spikemuth is a dilapidated shithole that's so poor that Piers can't afford treatment for his laryngitis
Team Yell is is a bunch of pathetic losers simping over a a little girl
Opal is lying, senile, groomer
Female diggers are far inferior to their male counterparts (either being too stupid to use a shovel without breaking it or are pretending to be dumb get get away with steal your ore)
the regional rodents are ugly obese fucks who steal berries
we're stuck relying on the lame and unreliable Cram-o-matic for Apricorn balls while Johtonians have access to Kurt's masterful craftsmanship
your waterbirds are dumb enough to eat electric mice
tchads like Peony can't go on a fun adventure with young trainers because Calyrex ruins the adventures by mind-raping him
Dexit policy caused the Queen to die of grief because all the Swanna she owned aren’t allowed to exist
Galar is so dumb and uncreative that you call the best curry CHARIZARD Curry when CHARIZARD has fuck all to do with curry.
Galar is so dumb and uncreative that you call Leon's Pose, the CHARIZARD Pose when CHARIZARD probably cant even do that pose
SwShit have such a poor understanding of ecology that you misnamed the Crown Tundra when its clearly a Taiga,
SwShit is the worst game
Galar is the worst region