>>30735664> Game where child abuse is a major theme> "I tried to set my boy straight, but I was the one who got beaten."> Dusty trophies in Guzma's room, none of them first place> "GUZMA WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!">>30735518The broken golf clubs aren't meant to be the weapon, they're meant to show the father is an angry man who physically acts on that anger in a destructive way. Think of a stereotypical angry golfer who gets frustrated with the game and breaks his club. As far as elaboration goes, Guzma frankly just isn't as important a character as Lillie and N are; elaboration would be nice.
I dont have screenshots of japanese players discussing it, but anons have come through the /guz/ thread saying that and art coming out of Japan seems to confirm they think he was beaten. pic related. There's blood in there by the way.