>>29649775Resizing is for too reasons.
Firstly Tumblr has a habit of programmatically rescaling to 540 (and it tends to be blurry compared to PS's bicubic downscaling for example). Secondly, most artists myself work at almost 4x the resolution of the published image (so you can't see how messy the linework/brushwork is since the rescale hides it).
To upscale an image with minimum loss of detail you can run it through 4chan's favourite waifu 2x program (it was a /g/ meme back in the day):
http://waifu2x.udp.jp/Waifu2x is trained for anime images. It has a built in denoise filter too.
If the image is buried on tumblr is secretly _1280 but told to display in _500 I just use my trusty URL autorewriter (works automatically on every tumblr image url which can ruin page display but nevertheless it's pretty convenient):
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/requestly/mdnleldcmiljblolnjhpnblkcekpdkpa?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog and tell it to rescale
http://i.imgur.com/7KfULO4.png and the batch tag downloader can be set to autograb 1280 although given the results on google the only one uploaded was the small one.