>>48284218I'm still playing though it, but so far
>pros:Running around and actually seeing pokemon, running from ones that charge at you and being able to approach the ones you want is really fun
Gold auras are a good mechanic for being able to get mons with decent genes before you can breed, letting you use shitmons that you just like a lot, and the IV checker later on sounds like it's so much more convenient than having to go and use some third party calculator
Bede is an amazing character, Hop has won me over, and any game with Allister or Melony is based
The story is actually kind of compelling with your rivals having their own interactions and battles without you that you get to see the aftermath of (bede v. hop for example)
Raids are fun, though I'm only playing in singleplayer
The protagonist design and customization is really good imo
>consThe fossilmons this game are fucking horrendous wastes of potential design-wise
The routes are shorter, more linear and more boring than ever, massive disappointment
Game is WAY too fucking easy, I'm actively having to play around not overleveling my team, we desperately need a difficulty setting at this point
No, set mode is not a difficulty setting, it's "easy mode" as opposed to "easiest mode"
>tldrFlawed, but still one of my favorites because of the characters. Biggest problem imo is how ridiculously easy it is. I should've nuzlocked it and I've never even nuzlocked before.