Quoted By:
>be me
>wagie at the pokemart
>have had a deino since childhood
>gift from rich estranged dad before he left
>love this little guy, been my best mate forever
>few years ago he evolved into a zweilous
>great right?
>absolutely fucking not
>second head is a scary and mean asshole who hogs all the food
>other head is more like my bro and is constantly bullied
>can't even recall them into the pokeball for some reason
>have had to stop fights between my bro and this asshole
>got bit so bad I had to go to hospital
>this goes on for a few years
>zweilous evolves into hydreigon
>is this the end? is the suffering over? is my bro back?
>hydreigon is quiet, silently eyes me down
>not angry or miserable, just quiet
>this goes on for weeks
>him just eyeing me down
>i slowly try to get closer to him again, but stop once he snips or growls at me
>he also growls and hisses at any loud noises or light
>eventually we kind of get friendly with each other again
>its like he's a combo of asshole head and my bro now
>I'll take the good with the bad, my bro might be back guys :)
>take him on a walk, very chill
>he's just flapping along, minding his own business
>some kids come along and ask if they can take a picture with him
>yeah sure I guess
>they whip out their roto-phone and take a photo
>with flash on
>hydreigon snaps and starts breathing fire and shit
>kids start screaming
>pisses him off even more
>hones in on one kid and starts swinging her around like a rag doll
>she's fucking dead man
>coppers arrive, i get hit over the head and they try to use the useless pokeball i have
>eventually some ace trainer steps in and KO's my bro
>soaks up the glory and stuff
>my bro is confiscated and I'm getting 20-25 years for negligent pokemon training
>guess who the fuck shows up
>my dad
>hires a lawyer and somehow manages to squeeze the sentence down to a year
>the legal system everyone
anyway i'm being carted off tomorrow and still have heard nothing about my bro