Quoted By:
>I don't care about competitive. I judge Pokémon almost exclusively on their design, concept and lore
>The only good thing about Kanto games are the Kanto Pokémon (and the music). Kanto is easily the blandest region of all
>Gen 5, 6 and 7 have more bad mon designs than good ones
>Game Freak should create a line of challenging games for the older fans
>Only mediocre Pokémon should've gotten Megas
>all Alola starters and their evolutions are absolute dogshit and I'm glad I didn't play those games
>While most pikaclones aren't bad, it's ridiculous that every Gen features a standalone electric rodent. Pikaclones would be much better if they had different types and evolution lines
>Pokemon being normal/fire or normal/electric is fucking retarded, just make them pure fire or electric
>Game freak has rushed XY and SM for shekels and it shows
>if you're older than 12 you shouldn't bitch about the Ashnime because it's aimed at children
>Pokémon Sage has too many dual typed pokemon