>>33626947Just like Heatmor got new attack, I want the more unpopular pokemons get some z-moves to make them useful or at least interesting/fun.
You could further buff Heatmor by giving it a z-move that works with the new attack too:
>Ultimate Lash (I'm not good with the names)>160BP>Hits all pokemons on the field and lowers their defence by 1 stage and burnsPrimeape
>Blood Boiling Scuffle>180BP>Hits both active pokemons and maximises attack statBest monkey Pokemon needs a buff finally.
>Forecast>150BP Ice, Fire, Water or Rock type>Summons weather of choice and becomes that type before attackingHoping to see them give z-moves etc. to the unpopular pokemons, that would be as good as getting new forms.