(will be answering questions in third person)
>>53551190>What town in the PMD world would you like to live in the most/least?>Mostprobably someplace like Capim or Noe town with interesting surroundings, nice climate, and some elevation
>LeastSahra Town, if I ever end up in a desert just kill me please
Charm would probably be alright with it but I would not
>A legendary suddenly appears right before you! What do you feel in this position? Are you terrified, eager to challenge it, or what?Charm would probably ask why it's there before anything else, but her first THOUGHT would definitely be a challenge. She wouldn't let herself right away though. Natu would just be confused, probably ask it a whole slew of questions. Definitely scared but won't show it.
>Does type-related prejudice exist (for example, fire-types hate water-types, etc), or does everyone get along?It's probably more area-based than type-based.
>Realistically, by the amount of trust your partner has towards you, would you give the same amount of trust back to them or do you still have a sliver of doubt?Charm started with a sliver of doubt, and she'll never trust Natu as much as she would a blood relative, but she's the closest friend she has and would probably trust him with almost anything.
Natu would trust Charm with slightly less, but only because he's generally closed-off. He's a little worried that if he puts too much trust in Charm he'll grow overly dependent on her and let his guard down.