Hi, this is Showderp! Where we root and cheer for you
(if you're champ) as you try to impress Roxie with your mad Showdown laddering/Showdown ban evading skills using Pokemon suggested by Anonymous! If you need better pick up lines, you'll call "new team" where the fastest of 6 anons to suggest 6 Pokemon in time'll be able to see their mons on champs newest team! If things were not meant to be, you'll decide to remain friends and call "new champ" where the fastest trip to claim shall become our newest bachelor! Calls only count in thread. Don't understand? Lurk!
>Ice Breakers:https://dogars.ga/>Suggestive Photos:https://showderp.booru.org/>Current Champ:Mr luggs !!qjbv414PsH7