Quoted By:
The Virgin XY
>battles and overworld are zoomed in to hell
>no polish; e.g. houses in towns are copy and pasted and feel like a chore to go through
>contrived world design; e.g. puts a snowy town literally a town next door to one of the starting towns for seemingly no environmental reason. There is another snowy town north of this one with a non-snowy town in between
>kills former rarity of Pokemon like Riolu, Farfetch'd, elemental Monkeys, Dunsparce, Ducklett, etc. by making them common in areas for no reason. Mass amounts of Pokemon are thrown into environmental routes where they don't belong
>bad flow; long gap between first and second gym followed by near consecutive town gym locations that make the game a blur
>characters are unenjoyable to talk to and have no substance
>chibi sprites look terrible
>trees are literally (not using this word lightly) paper cut outs
>post game is one new town with a lame copy paste battle facility
>most new Pokemon are ugly (e.g. Meowstic) or just cartoon animals usually with big heads (e.g. Pancham, Pangoro)
>One (1) elemental bird lmao
>Not even a hallway to Mewtwo, it's just a room
>half of the fightable npc's are battle guy, battle girl. others are psychic or artist
>here's your free Mega Lucario bro
>here's your free Lapras in the same town as Lucario bro, Level 30 btw
>Kanto panders and not in a clever way like Alolan forms or nugget bridge with Guzma--"look bro it's a Snorlax get a pokeflute XD" "oh weird this forest is an exact replica of Viridian forest lol" Telltale signs of a soulless, rushed game (continued)