>>53608666>In RBRT/RTDX, what did you think of the ‘house upgrade’?Pretty nice. I wish Explorers had something similar, at least some decoration to customize your room at the Sharpedo Bluff.
>What Pokemon would you want to be turned into the least? Out of the starters, Turtwig. Definitely wouldn't want to be a turtle carrying a tree and rocks.
>And which would fit your personality the least?The Charmander line.
>Which PMD boss fight did you like the most?Primal Dialga, the difficulty was just right and the music is awesome.
>And the least (minus Darkrai)? Explain.The Muk gang on Sky Peak. They're just damage sponges.
>If Spike Chunsoft sold the mystery dungeon intellectual property, which company would be the best fit to take over?Atlus would be a safe bet. If not, maybe Way Forward.
>>53615861>What's your favorite music from a town/dungeon/boss/etc.?Not outright favorite but this one was too good to be used in a single area you barely visit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSYUXMw_HFo>What would be the best/worst Pokemon to have as a partner?Best, maybe someone who is always there to back you up like Chikorita. Worst, maybe a Munchlax.
>Grass type Pokemon, do they breathe with Oxygen or Carbon dioxide?Oxygen but they can filter CO2 into oxygen so effectively both.
>The villains in the games like Dusknoir, Munna, and all... would you forgive them after the main story?No, fuck them.