>>48707180 >I only bother with saying this up-front because my drugs are working so I dont feel crushed with guilt for every word im gonna type below, I wouldn't dare responding otherwise: I know its all for nothing to just now start asking for forgiveness given how for a whole month straight I figuratively siphoned-out your tragedy for whats basicly cope about how disgustingly unlovable person I trully am for the most part, but this does not bode well with me at all - me knowing you are quietly withering away and theres nothing that could be done to possibly change it, this chain of events you endure legit drives me mad beyond all logical reasoning everytime I see you confirm your pressence here - I really wish something could've been done to help you out, dear JolteonBro (I hope that I dont keep misgendering you with my insistence on calling you this), as long there still is time left to act - ever hazarded the thought of gaining the medias interest about this 'once in a million' most unlikely of scerarios by any chance? I'm sure there are still out there somewhere people willing to aid you if they'd ever get a chance to hear of your plight and this ongoing torment without a forseeable happy end - if I am bothered this much by your problems despite no real means to help, then why cant somebody whos able to do it provide real tangible support for you?
Is this world really this screwed up because of the Plannedemic, or was it always this crap?
I long for the times this wasnt my only outlet for coping with how horrible reality can sometimes be for no real reason...
Look Im going it again, please slap my wrist and tell me to cut it out while you still can - I cannot stop this on my own anymore, I just dont wanna loose you JoltyBro - not like this...