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Okay guys, I really want a Misdreavus and, to an extent, a Feebas/Milotic. If you have one of them in your safaris, I'd trade them for any of those Pokémon in mine (I can get the hidden ability for you) :
Aipom - Audino - Beartic - Beautifly - Bergmite - Butterfree - Cascoon - Charmeleon - Combee - Crawdaunt - Dewgong - Diggersby - Dragonair - Dugtrio - Dunsparce - Dusclops - Dwebble - Emolga - Espurr - Ferroseed - Floatzel - Gabite - Garbodor - Gastrodon - Girafarig - Gogoat - Grumpig - Illumise - Kakuna - Kecleon - Klefki - Krabby - Lampent - Lapras - Ledyba - Lillipup - Loudred - Machoke - Magcargo - Magmar - Mankey - Marowak - Mawile - Meditite - Metang - Mienfoo - Muk - Munna - Nincada - Noibat - Nuzleaf - Oddish - Pachirisu - Pancham - Paras - Petilil - Phanpy - Phantump - Pikachu - Ponyta - Pumpkaboo - Pyroar - Quilladin - Sanshrew - Sawk - Sawsbuck - Sewadloon - Shuckle - Shuppet - Sigilyph - Sneasel - Snorunt - Snover - Spearow - Spheal - Spiritomb - Spritzee - Stunfisk - Sunkern - Swalot - Swirlix - Teddiursa - Togepi - Trapinch - Vivillon - Volbeat - Wobbufett - Woobat