Quoted By:
>Stinky and perpetually angry, closest living relative is Torchic (used as livestock and for cockfighting - lol, lmao even)
>Has the emotional resilience of a child with Aspergers, flips its shit at the most trivial of problems like not being able to scratch an itch on its ass
>Only redeeming quality is its genetic mutation that results in a blue hue
>Friend of all NEETs, self-sufficient as fuck and above most inconveniences but will btfo anybody who messes with their pack
>Dense muscle, varied diet, impenetrable flab and THUMBS™ allow for peak aptitude in every aspect - will outsmart, outrun, outperform and overpower most hippie shitmons
>Only thing stopping it from being the dominant species above humans is its sheer mercy and laziness, is humble despite knowing its proficiencies and doesn't care