>The goodThe presentation is amazing, be it (most of) the tilesets, the music, or (again, most of) the mapping. These in particular carry it a ton, and are easily the best part of the game.
>The cutscenes were typically really good, especially the likes of >>55795193.>The questionableSome of the custom tilesets and battle backgrounds looks much simpler than the usual public use tilesets and battle backgrounds and clash a bit, though I'm glad that the effort was made to make them regardless, it really adds to the game.
The Translation is extremely inconsistent towards the end of the game, with some areas being more untranslated than not, and most egregiously, the entire epilogue cutscene being completely untranslated. I understand that translating an entire game is almost certainly a fuckton of effort, be it from translating the dialogue itself, inserting the translated dialogue, or testing it, or all of the above, so I won't hold it against the devs too much, though the epilogue being untranslated is crazy, and makes it seem like the translation wasn't playtesed at all.
I don't care as much about the blackwashing as some of the others, but it's still bad, especially from a game claiming to try and be mostly historically accurate.