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/vp/ plays Pokemon Opalo: Multi-LP

!!uFy26nWSF72 No.55783031 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Last Time
>Most of us finish Opalo, while I'm nearing the end myself
>Pokefuckers are canonized in universe again
>"God" is a Jewish twink
>Apollo goes full trail of tears on the street shitters
>The voreworm approaches

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.
This is Pokemon Opalo, or Opal. It has 16 gyms, a story about native Americans n shiet, and there's some regional variants and fakemon starters. It's also Spanish and has a shit English translation, but that just adds to the fun.
This game has been done in the past by a tripfag, but other tripfags haven't played it, so might as well revisit it for the lulz.

>Download link
