im surprised (and thankful) that noone posted a gardevoir yet. maybe there is hope in this world after all
>>39280317your favourite pokegirl is jasmine
>>39280320you act smug
>>39280323lost to ledian in the BW2 movie
>>39280330you are based
>>39280344have good taste
>>39280384kind of edgy
>>39280447are a johtoddler
>>39280698like shitmon
>>39280766coelacanth are actually still living, bet you didnt know that
>>39281195based unova chad
>>39281197dont know what to think of this
>>39281204you like to breed ralts with synchronoise
>>39281208i dont know
>>39281234edgelord furfag
>>39281265like electric types
>>39281949are a manlet
>>39282041are a karenfag
>>39282105i dont know
>>39282223kinda based
>>39283210kinda based but are a genwunner
>>39283230are a massive faggot but have good taste
>>39283338sublime taste
>>39283362you like mudkips
>>39283412like dogs
>>39283457slightly a normie
>>39283491massive furfaggot
>>39283696less of a furfaggot as the other guy
>>39283723most based person in this thread
>>39283756kinda normie
>>39283844are gary oak
>>39283866"imagine the smell" fag
>>39283918you are the steveposter on /v/