>>53478311You don't really. She's my favorite but she's been hit hard both by nerfs and by power creep. Even the things she does well don't work when shit like Ttar, waterbear, and Zacian are hanging around. Especially with how cc heavy things have become. If you still want to try; Work hard to stack with attack weight. I use focus band for some extra survivability, especially while stacking early game. And my last item is weakness policy. I also prefer full heal for my battle items to ensure I don't suffer cc at the most important moments, usually objective fights.
Don't know whether Axel or Stomp is better now since I haven't used her much for a while. Axel feels better to use, but I'd imagine stomp is still probably better. I also prefer trop kick for jumping opponents and slowing their escape, as well as intercepting retreating targets or covering your team's retreat. Your focus should be on darting around fights and taking down targets, especially squishy attackers. Use your unite to either jump their squishiest dps, or as a panic button if you need to survive and escape. Pay attention to your queen stacks when preparing to engage so you know your options for retreating. Try to get a grasp on when you need shields vs health so you can decide quickly on whether to use your stacks bonus on stomp vs trop kick.